flying with a baby, by myself and with my husband, I can do. We took our three-week old baby across country so I wouldn’t miss one of my best friends get married.
We flew with Holden at 5 months, 6 months, and 7 months… and then I declared, “I’m never flying with that squirmy baby again unless he has his own seat.” So, though the domestic airlines would let us fly with him seat-free for another 17 months, I had reached my own limit.
Firstborn Holden always gets a seat on the plane and, so far, second child Milo does not. I flew with him at 3 months, 5 months, and 9 months but still no seat. His next flight promises to be at a very squirmy and unpleasant 17 months… so, I ask you internets:
So, what are some good safety suggestions when you fly without a seat for your toddler?
Has anybody successfully (or unsuccessfully tried) the baby b’air? (pictured) What about ergo’ing the heck out of a squirmy toddler? Can I get the little man to sit in the big guy’s lap for four hours?
Help me!!
Related travel suggestions for you: travel light this summer and how to go it alone on a plane with a baby