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BV is an abbreviation we hear all the time but aren’t sure what it means. just like lots of popular health issues it is simply an abbreviation for a very common health issue effecting millions of women all around the world.

What is BV short for?

You may have seen infomercials or heard talk on the radio while driving to work about BV and what causes it or how it can be treated. BV has become a a lot more popular way of talking about bacterial vaginosis than just calling it by it’s proper medical name.

People are naturally sensitive about the topic of vaginitis just like they are sensitive about erectile dysfunction, and that’s why that is a lot of typically referred to as just “E.D”. So we’re clear, BV is simply an abbreviation for the medical term bacterial vaginosis. So what is BV or bacterial vaginosis you may ask? Simple.

What is bacterial vaginosis?

So what is bacterial vaginosis? Bacterial vaginosis plain an basic is a bacterial imbalance in the vagina. It is NOT a sexually transmitted infection or disease, in contrast to popular belief and is actually very common. It is normally estimated that around 1 in 4 women will get BV at some point in their lifetimes. So, just like E.D is a very common condition among men, BV is a very common condition among women.

What are some common BV symptoms?


BV symptoms will vary for every individual, as everyone’s body reacts differently to different bacteria imbalances. Some women suffer a lot more severe reactions to BV infections including extreme discomfort, strong, nearly fishy smelling, colored, odorous vaginal discharge and higher body temperatures. However, for a lot of women BV symptoms are very mild and include mild odor and moderate discharge.

What causes Bacterial Vaginosis?

Well, what causes bacterial vaginosis is simply an imbalance of bacteria in the vagina. just like the stomach, there are both good and bad bacteria in the vagina, and normally the good bacteria keep the bad ones in check, however, often the bad bacteria get out of control and cause problems.

Scientists aren’t sure what causes the bad bacteria to outnumber the good bacteria, but they do know it is this basic imbalance that leads to vaginal odor, discharge and discomfort that are the most common symptoms of BV.

How do I find out if I have BV?

Simple, go check out your doctor! only a doctor will be able to tell you with 100% certainty whether you have bacterial vaginosis or not. however if you take pleasure in trying to self diagnose you can refer to sites like Webmdfor guides, images and videos describing BV in detail to help you develop a better understanding of this common health issue. Ass soon as you recover, maybe you will consider lasers treating & tightening the vagina to improve your pelvic muscles.


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By bnnxq

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